Hello Hoosiers and Happy New Year. I hope that everyone had a safe and sound holidays with friends and family.
Well, the new year brings many new things in the world of energy. The Indiana General Assembly is beginning session again, and this is the long session, or budget session. There are various bills pertaining to energy that are being proposed. To follow those the website has some very user friendly tools to view proposed bills. The link below can lead you to the proposed bills by both the Indiana Senate and House of Representatives.
Another issue to be mindful of as we head into the depths of winter is heating costs and heating use. December gave us some bitter cold we haven't always been used to. People are already running through their first season fill-ups of propane and fuel oil supplies. It never hurts to check on your equipment and make sure it is working efficiently, also, many utilities offer programs to provide an energy audit that can let you know what improvements you can make around your home to be more energy efficient. Below is a link to the OED website with helpful information on energy efficiency in both residential and commercial settings:
As I sign off for today I wish you and yours a very happy and healthy 2011.
Hello, I enjoy reading this post. Since new year 2013 is almost here, here's sending you my happy new year greetings to all of you. Have a great holiday!